B. 1955, new york, ny

Sam Messer received a BFA from Cooper Union (1976) and an MFA. from Yale University (1982). He is represented by Nielsen Gallery, Boston, and Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles. His work may be found in public collections including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Art Institute of Chicago, and Yale University Art Gallery.

Messer has received awards including the Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation grant (1984), Engelhard Award (1985), Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant (1993), and a Guggenheim Fellowship (1996). He has collaborated with Paul Auster on The Story of My Typewriter, and with Denis Johnson on Cloud of Chalk. He was appointed senior critic at Yale in 1994 and in 2005 was appointed associate dean and professor (adjunct). He also serves as director of the art division of the Yale Summer School of Music and Art in Norfolk.

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