B. buffalo, NY

Mary Louise Geering's sculpture, drawings, and prints express a longing for new forms that derive from an altered natural world. Her hybrid blendings of different symbols allow us to imagine into the subject, seeing the humor and its shadow.  Selected Exhibitions; Fairy Tales, Art and Words Gallery, Brooklyn, NY; Waves of Change.  St. Joseph's College, Brooklyn, NY; It's a Wonderful Life.  Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY; PaperJam.  ArtStrand Gallery, Provincetown, MA.
Selection of Drawings and Sculptures.  Copley Arts, Boston, MA; Babes, Holland Tunnel Gallery, Brooklyn, NY; New Prints, 2005/Winter.  International Print Center, New York, NY; The Passion/Passions of Art.  Richard Anderson Gallery, New York, NY. 

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